Kamis, 30 September 2021

Letting Go of Criticizing Others (English Edition) Susan Gammage libro completo

Letting Go of Criticizing Others (English Edition) Versión Kindle

Letting Go of Criticizing Others (English Edition) Versión Kindle libro pdf Susan Gammage libros en línea pdf . Letting Go of Criticizing Others (English Edition) Versión Kindle de Susan Gammage se vendieron por cada copia. El libro publicado por Nine Star Solutions (18 diciembre 2018). Contiene 109 páginas páginas y clasificadas en el género eBooks idiomas extranjeros, Bahaísmo en inglés, Bahaísmo, Familia y relaciones en inglés. Este libro tiene una buena respuesta del lector, está calificado 5,0 de 5 estrellas por 2 lectores. Regístrese ahora para acceder a miles de libros disponibles para su descarga gratuita. El registro fue gratuito.

Moyenne des commentaires client :5,0 de 5 estrellas estrellas de 5 de 2 Lectores
La Tamaño del archivo : 28.63 MB

Letting Go of Criticizing Others (English Edition) Versión Kindle - Baha’u’llah tells us “it behoveth you . . . to attach blame to no one except to yourselves, for the things ye have committed”, but how do we stop blaming others and why would we want to blame ourselves instead? If your life is plagued by fault-finding, blame and accusation, and you’re ready to consider some solid solutions based on the Bahá’í Writings, this is an important book for you.In it you will learn to understand the importance of letting go of this soul-destroying habit; discover tools to help you stop criticizing yourself and others; find ways to stop blaming God for the things that have happened to you and learn how to handle criticism from others. You will begin to challenge the habits of thought that keep you stuck in negativity and victimhood; understand where you have choices and learn specific prayers to use to transform attack thoughts into peaceful ones. Nowhere else will you find this approach to Criticizing Yourself and Others, straight from the Bahá’í Writings. When you learn to apply the Divine Remedy, there is hope for a complete recovery.

Livres Couvertures de Letting Go of Criticizing Others (English Edition) Versión Kindle

de Susan Gammage

5,0 de 5 estrellas étoiles sur 5 (2 Commentaires client)

Nombre del archivo : letting-go-of-criticizing-others-english-edition-versión-kindle.pdf

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